Fiddlesticks’ Ultimate Bug

Some bugs can go for a couple of days and sometimes even a couple of weeks before they are discovered and fixed and that was the case with this famous bug which has been around for around a month before it was fixed. The issue is related to the champion by the name of Fiddlesticks and the bug is regarding his ultimate attack. In order to understand the bug completely, you need to know that his ulti actually requires channeling which is definitely bad since you are quite vulnerable during this brief period of time. The bug means that auto-attacking and last hitting a minion will cause the Fiddlesticks’ ulti to cast automatically without the period of channeling you would usually have to wait through. This is a severe bug because it’s giving an advantage to people who play with Fiddlesticks by eliminating the channeling time which is usually the thing you need to plan out the most. Finding a safe spot for channeling is difficult but, with this bug, you can simply skip this entire process and cast your ultimate automatically. Know that you still need to auto-attack in order to get the last hit which is somewhat more difficult in the beginning but it gets easier as the game progresses.

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