Popular Addons in Streamline Build: Exodus Redux, Rising Tides, Maverick TV, Deceit, The Magic Dragon, Sportsdevil, Planet MMA and many more.
Categories in Streamline Build: Sports, Movies, TV Shows, Favorites, Wizard, System and Power.
How to Install Streamline Build on Kodi 18.4 Leia?#
#1: Enable unknown source on your Kodi app to download the build from the third-party source.
#2: Select the settings icon on the home screen.
#3: Click File Manager.
#4: Double-click Add Source.
#5: Click .
#6: Enter source URL: http://whizkid.one/wizard and click OK.
#7: Name your source and click OK.
#8: Get back to the home screen and click Addons.
#9: Click the installer package icon located on the menu bar.
#10: Click Install from Zip File.
#11: Select the source that you added.
#12: Click the zip file which named as plugin.program.Whiz-Kid-Installer.zip.
#13: Within a few minutes, the Whiz Kid wizard will be installed on your Kodi. A dialogue box will appear on the screen. Select Continue -> Ignore to proceed further.
#14: Now launch the wizard by navigating to addons -> Program Addons -> Whiz Kid.
#15: Click Builds.
#16: Select Streamline.
#17: Click Fresh Install to start the installation process.
#18: Click Continue to restore the settings to factory default.
#19: The build will be downloaded and installed automatically on your Kodi.
#20: After installation, Force close the Kodi app and restart it again to use the build.
Final Thoughts#
These are the steps required to install Streamline Build on Kodi. As we mentioned earlier, download Streamline Fully Loaded build if you’re a Krypton user. The build has a simple interface to access all the features with ease. Make sure to use a VPN while downloading this build.
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